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CZECH MOVIES - Ceske Filmy

My wonderful girlfriend of many, many years that live in the Czech Republic sent me a Christmas package. In it were couple of movies. One of them was "Ostre sledovane vlaky". When I was talking to her over the Skype, I told her that I have seen this movie in the International section in the library. We then continued talking about other movies and her grandson joined us in the debate about the movies. He then sent me the link to legal free downloads of Czech Movies (click on the banner below), which I would like to share with Czechs and Slovaks who do not know about this just yet. The download is legal if you do not share, sell etc. these movies to anyone else. If you use them just for yourself.

The downloads take about 1 and 1/2 + hours. When you are downloading, make sure you do not leave the computer. I did leave it to go to sleep and I had to start all over downloading a movie. I hope you will find some gems there.

Moje kamaradka z Ceske Republiky mi poslala balicek k vanocum ve kterem byly mimo jine i dvd s filmem "Ostre sledovane vlaky". Kdyz jsem s ni hovorila pres Skype, rekla jsem ji, ze jsem videla tento film uz v nekolika knihovnach v Mezinarodni Sekci. Nicmene jsme se bavili dale o filmech a jeji vnuk se k nam pridal a poslal mi legalni odkaz na filmy zdarma (klikni na vyse uvedenou reklamu). Rada se podelim s temi kteri jeste neznaji tento odkaz. Filmy si muzete stahnout z webove stranky legalne. Je to legalni jenom tehdy, kdyz filmy nebudete distribuovat a pouzijete je jenom sami pro sebe.

Stahovani trva pres hodinu, vetsinou tak hodinu a pul. Pokud stahujete film, snazte se neodchazet od pocitace. Pokud pocitac "usne" stahovani prestane. (Nevim, mozna bych musela nejak upravit pocitac, aby to stahovalo dale, i kdyz "spi". Ale v tom se bohuzel nevyznam). Doufam, ze na te webove strance najdete nejaky filmovy "poklad".

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