In the Czech and Slovak Republics "Vlassky Salat", loosely translated Welsh Salad, is very popular. It is very common to serve to your friends sliced French baguette with "Welsh Salad" as topping and decorated with other condiments, such as sliced egg, cut up pickles and a small piece of grilled red pepper. It is also sold in every deli as "chlebicky" - little bread. I did a search why it is called "Welsh Salad", but so far I realized that this type of salad has nothing to do with Wales or real Welsh salads. In America it is called "Ham Salad", but then again American ham salad has a different taste as I read recipes on the internet. It is made with sweet relish, which I am not very fond of, perhaps because I did not grow up with sweet pickles. Below is the Czech/Slovak recipe for Czech/Slovak Ham Salad. It is really "delicioso", if you do not mind the mayo.
1 1/2 lb ham cut into thin short strips - I prefer Boar's Head Ham
1/2 cup finely cut up baby dills (pickles) - I use Vlasic Kosher Baby Dills
1/2 small onion finely chopped
canned peas - rinsed and well drained
Worcestershire Sauce![](http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=answers2beaut-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0005XO2ME)
Mayonnaise (I like
Real Hellmann's![](http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=answers2beaut-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B002DMOWP2)
Mayo) + salt + pepper according to your taste(you do not need much salt, so be careful)
Mix all ingredients together, refrigerate for about 2 hours and serve with French baguette.Yummy!
1 and 1/2 lb. sunka nakrajena na nudlicky - ja kupuju Boar's Head Ham
1/2 hrnku okurek nakrajenych na male kousicky
1/2 mensi cibule na jemno nakrajena
1 hrnek hrasku z konzervy
1 lzice
Worcestershire Sauce![](http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=answers2beaut-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=B0005XO2ME)
sul + pepr +
- podle chuti (soli neni treba mnoho, takze davejte pozor kolik osolite)
Smichejte vsechny potraviny dohromady, dejte do lednicky na 2 hodiny a servirujte s bagetou. Mnam.
"Vlassky" certainly does NOT mean "Welsch". It means Italian. Vlassky is also used for vlasske orechy = wallnuts.
ReplyDeleteMost recipes for vlassky salat also include potatoes and the chopped onion is cooked with water, vinegar and dash of salt