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"HOW OLD IS YOUR BRAIN?" GAME - Hra "Jak Je Stary Vas Mozek"

Here we go again. I have to share this on-line game with you. Is your brain as old as your body? Perhaps, it is younger, and hopefully not older. You can find out age of your brain HERE.
I didn't do too bad, but not too great either. I guess I am just as old as I really am, even if I act much younger.

Please, note that the web page is in one of the oriental languages, so read carefully the instructions below:
  • Click START
  • The count down starts - 3, 2, 1
  • Several numbers will appear for a very short time. You must remember in which circle the numbers are placed
  • After they disappear and you see empty circles, you have to click on each circle in the sequence from the smallest number to the biggest
  • When the game is over you will be told how old is your brain.


Tak jsem dostala dalsi hru o kterou se musim s vami podelit. Hra, ktera vam rekne jak stary je vas mozek. Jestli je tak stary, jako vase telo, nebo mladsi, nebo dokonce starsi. Hra je na TETO STRANCE.
Ja jsem nedopadla nejhur, ale ani nejlepe. Muj mozek je tak stary jako moje telo. Ale ve skutecnosti se citim velmi mlada.

Webova stranka je v orientalnim jazyce a proto si prectete pozorne, jak mate postupovat pri hrani teto hry:
  • Kliknete na START
  • Hra zacne odpocitavat pocatek (takze se musite velmi soustredit) - 3, 2, 1
  • Nekolik cisel se objevi na obrazovce na kratkou chvilicku. Musite si zapamatovat kazde cislo ve kterem krouzku se nachazi
  • Kdyz cisla zmizi musite kliknout na kazdy krouzek v poradi od nejmensiho do nejvetsiho cisla, tj. kde se cisla nachazely nez zmizely
  • Hra konci oznamenim, jak stary je vas mozek

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