Buy Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets (located in the section with frozen foods). For two strudels you need 3-4 apples, which you will peel and grate. Thaw the pastry sheets, unwrap them, butter them, and lightly sprinkle with bread crumbs. In the center spread apples, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. If you want add walnuts or raisins. Bake at 350F for 45-60 minutes until golden brown. And while your strudel is baking you can loose some calories on this exercise machine
Moje kamaradka si obcas zjednodusuje svuj zivot. Zjednodusila si ho i pecenim strudlu. Zde je jeji recept na rychly jablecny strudl:
Kupte si Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets (ve sekci se zmrazenymi vyrobky). Na dve sisky strudlu spotrebujete priblizne 3-4 jablka, ktere oloupete a nastrouhate. Rozmrazene sheets rozevrete, namazte je maslem, a lehce posypte strouhankou. Doprostred dejte jablka, posypte cukrem se skorici, mate-li chut posypte orechy, ci rozinky, zabalte a dejte pect na 45 - 60 minut na 350F dozlatova. Dobrou chut.
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