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EASTER WHIP MAKING - Pleteni Velikonocniho Karabace

One of Czech Easter traditions is making of a whip from willow twigs. I came across a great video that shows how to make one. You do not have to speak Czech - it is pretty good visual video. You could make few of them and then hang on them decorated eggs and place them inside a tall vase. It makes great Easter decoration. However an Easter whip is used in some of the eastern countries for chasing girls (by men), gently whipping them (hopefully) and asking them for "Easter gifts" - like decorated eggs, chocolate, money, even a shot of vodka if you are of proper age. Other tradition is splashing girls with an inexpensive perfume or pouring water on them - lot of it! Many of them end up even in rivers or if you live in a city, a bathtub will do.

Kdo jste zapomeli, enbo nikdy nevideli, jak se plete Velikonocni pomalzka, muzete shlednout hezke video nize... k cemu se pomlazka pouziva a jak se slavi Velikonoce nemusim vysvetlovat :-)

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