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Set up one fun and calm activity for your children this summer as Mr. Gary Duschl of Virginia Beach, Virginia shows you in his video. Friends and siblings can have a contest who will make the longest Gum Wrapping braid during their summer.BTW you do not have to use gum wrapper, you can make your own "paper" - use your imagination what you will use instead of the gum wrapper.

Few facts about Mr. Duschl's braiding activity:
  • Began braiding it on March 11, 1965--that’s 45 years ago--and is measured annually on that date by officials. The braider has spent over 24,000 hours working on this project
  • Currently, it is 63,527 feet long
  • That is equal to 12 miles, or 19.3 Kilometers
  • It is equivalent to the length of 211 football fields, or 192 soccer fields, or 317 hockey rinks, or even 43 Empire State Buildings stacked up one on top of the other
  • The braid is over twice as tall as Mt. Everest
  • The entire braid weighs 882 lbs or 400 kilograms
  • The braid contains over 3 million links from 1.5 million gum wrappers (2 links per wrapper)
  • That’s over $105,000 worth of gum
  • The gum alone would weigh over 5 tons
  • If the braid was laid out along a highway, it would take 12 minutes to drive the length going 60mph; if you preferred walking, it would take you over 5 hours
  • The braid is stored in 11 large plexi-glass cases and occupies 74 cubic feet of space
And here is his video:

Pomozte detem s jednou skvelou aktivitou pres leto, kterou lze shlednout ve videu pana Duschle z Virginia Beach, VA. Kamaradi a sourozenci mohou "zavodit" kdo udela nejdelsi retez ze zvykackoveho obalu za cele leto.  Vlastne nemusite pouzit jenom obal ze zvykacky - muzete pouzit cokoliv co nahradi tento obal -staci pouze pouzit predstavivost..

Nekolik Factu o panu Duschl a jeho retezci:
  • Zacal retez dne 11. brezna, 1965 = pred 45-ti lety, pan Duschl do teto doby stravil 24,000 hodin na tomto projektu
  • V sioucasne dobe je retez 63,527 feet dlouhy = 12 mil, neboli 19.3 kilometru
  • coz je stejne jako delka 211 football-ovych hrist, neboli 192 fotbalovych hrist, neboli 317 hokejovych hrist, nebo take 43 Empire State budov nad sebou
  • Retez je vice jak 2x "vysoky" nez  Mt. Everest
  • Retez vazi 882 lbs neboli 400 kilogramu
  • Retez ma v soucane dobe pres 3 milliony spojeni za pomoci 1.5 milionu obalu ze zvykacek (2 spojeni za kazdy obal)
  • Coz by bylo pres $105,000 za zvyckacky
  • Zvykacky by vazily pres 5 tun
  • Kdyby byl retez polozen podel dalnice trvalo by 12 minut projet kolem za rychlosti 60 mil za hodinu. Kdyby jste chteli kolem retezu projit pesky trvalo by vam to 5 hodin chuze
  • Retez je uschovan v 11-ti velkych nadobach z plexiskla =  74 kubickych feet

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