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OFFERING SECURE IT HELP ON-LINE - Nabizim Bezrizikovou Pomoc v IT Oblasti

My friend took a great care of my computer via internet and I decided that he should put an ad on my blog. I was really excited about his great service. He upgraded my free anti-virus program (which caught many viruses), cleaned up my computer, deleted several program that I did not use and need (you know how sometimes some extra programs upload themselves because of one program that you need). He also checked if I have any virus or malware in my computer. My computer is working now faster. My friend did this with a help of skype (for our communication) and a program that allows him to help you long distance from his home. This particular program he can use only at one session - when he is done it gets disconnected and he can no longer get to your computer, so it is safe, you actually see what he is doing. I am really excited with what he did and I told him he has to put an ad on my blog for people who do not understand their computer much. I know the family for more then 30 years. Matous is student, reliable and honest person, who lives in the Czech Republic and would like to help people virtually to make extra money. You can pay via paypal. 

I am offering my IT services. I can help my clients in the software area (Windows/Mac) such as maintenance of a PC, after upload configuration. I can help with the best choise of your hardware and/or its upgrade.
For any questions you can contact me via e-mail (please, instead of AT use @) 

Software support (maintenance PC etc.) - $6/hr
Hardware Consultation (new/upgrade) - $8/hr


Muj kamarad se mi skvele postaral o muj pocitac na dalku, a proto jsem se mu rozhodla zde udelat reklamu. Byla jsem opravdu velmi spokojena a totalne nadsena. Upgradoval mi free antivirusovy program (ktery jiz zachytil mnoho viru), vycistil mi pocitac, zbavil se programu, ktere jsem nepotrebovala a pocitac okamzite zacal pracovat rychleji a lepe. Abych nezapomela - take mi zkontroloval, jestli mam v pocitaci virus nebo malware. To vse pomoci skype (po kterem jsme konverzovali) a programu, ktery mu  umoznil se mi dostat do pocitace. Tento program je jenom docasny, takze ma pristup pouze v tu dobu, kdy vy jste na pocitaci a vidite presne co dela. No proste jsem byla nadsena, jak je sikovny. Matous zije v Ceske Republice, je student, spolehlivy, uprimny a  rad by si prividelal. Rodinu znam pres 30 let a proto jsem mu doporucila, aby si napsal reklamu na sve sluzby, abych mu to zde mohla publikovat.Muzete mu zaplatit pres paypal.

Nabizim sve sluzby v oblasti IT. Poskytuji klientsky servis v oblasti software(Windows/Mac), jako je udrzba PC, nebo poinstalacni konfigurace. Poradim take s porizenim, ci upgradem vaseho stavajiciho hardware.
Pro blizsi informace mne nevahejte kontaktovat na (vlozte prosim @ misto AT)

Software podpora (udrzba PC...) - $6/hod.
Konzultace hardware (novy/upgrade) - $8/hod.

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