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CZECH AND SLOVAK CULTURAL EVENTS - Ceske a Slovenske Kulturni Udalosti

I do not usually add many web pages to my web site, unless I think it will really help people. As I was doing search on line, I came across absolutely fabulous web site, that was developed by Lubomir Novotny. I think he did a remarkable job. This site is offering a wonderful event calendar platform that is incredible. His web site is filled with many cultural and social events in his calendar. You can click on any date in any month and voila - you get all sign up events for that day. Try it - click on THIS link, then scroll over any date in the calendar and it will automatically give you an info what is happening on that day in a special window without even clicking on it. Which is great for our wrists, because if we do not see anything we are interested, we can move onto another day. Now if you find something of your interest, you can click on the date. Another page will open, where you will see a table with date/time, title (of cultural event), city state category. If you are interested in an event and you click on its title, that will lead you to another, final, page, where you can see detailed info.

So as long as all Czechs and Slovaks in the United States use it (ie. post their happenings), you can find cultural and social events in any state. Spread the word and make sure that your events or other establishments events are posted in his calendar.

I love his site so much that he will have permanent link in the menu on the right side under "Other Links".

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