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DO YOU WANT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? - Chcete Byt Milionar/-kou?

I love to "play" interesting games on-line, and I love to send my friends fun stuff, including the games or websites In my opinion, life is more interesting that way.

One of them is Do you want to be millionaire? Now this web site is in Czech language, so it is only for people who are fluent in this difficult language. Click HERE an try to win 10 million answering several questions. Of course you will not win real money, just on-line money. Make your brain work and leave a comment how you did.

And if this was not enough fun - check THIS movie out - and send it to your friends. Put a smile on their face.There is a little trick - when clicking on "Preposli" you have to fill out your name, that will be part of the movie trailer. (Notice Marie Novakova in the movie.)


Jsem hracicka a miluji ruzne on-line hry a "ftipy". A neopominam je posilat mym znamym a kamaradum. Podle mne zivot je tak zajimavejsi.

Kdyz mi kdosi e-mailem poslal "Chcete se stat milionarem?" tak jsem samozrejme hru musela vyzkouset. Mam rada rebusy, otazky apod., tak jsem chtela "vyhrat" deset milionu - samosebou pouze on-line penize. Jestli chcete hrat tak kliknete ZDE, a nezapomente napsat do komentare, jak jste to zvladl/-la.

A jestli hra "milionar" nestacila, tak se kouknete na upoutavku tohoto filmu a vsimnete si jmena Marie Novakova. Pak kliknete na "Preposli" a vyplnte sve jmeno - ktere bude take figurovat ve filmu - a poslete pratelum.

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