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MY OWN LENTIL SOUP WITH GREEN CHARD - Moje Osobni Cockova Polevka Se Zelenym Chard-em

I had few friends over, and besides having a great time together we were exchanging tips on knitting and crocheting and other stuff. The fire in the fireplace was cracking and made us very cozy. To make the wintry day feel even better I served to my dear friends a lentil soup with greens. I just made up my own recipe as I was making it and everyone loved it so much that I was asked for a recipe.

I made it from the pink lentils, which I tried for the very first time about two years ago and I loved them. I do not buy other kind anymore. These lentils are very tiny and I would say they are more orange than pink. Nutritionally they have high amount of vitamins like - Copper, Folate, Iron, Phosphorus, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Thiamin, Magnesium, Niacin, Riboflavin and Calcium. And that I call a meal full of vitamins, please. You do not even have to take your daily vitamin pill if you eat this healthy.

Anyway, I do not want to bore you with too much information about pink lentils, so let's get cookin' my own lentil soup.

For about 6-8 people

4 TBSP of olive oil
1 small onion - chopped
1 clove of garlic crushed
1 package of green chard (preferably organic) - there were 4 big leaves in my package, which I cut into small pieces
8 oz. water
4 cubes of Rapunzel Vegan Vegetable Bouillon (I love this organic kind - I will not cook with anything else)
one medium carrot - sliced

1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning (in any store)
1/2 tsp salt (bouillon is made with sea salt and some people may like it little more salty)
black pepper to taste
2 cups of pink lentils (I bought them loose at Whole Foods)

Cook onion and garlic in the olive oil over medium heat for couple of minutes (I love my onion to be cooked golden). Add green chard, and cook for couple of minutes. Add water and the cubes of Vegetable Bouillon. When the water strarts boiling add carrot, seasoning, salt and pepper and rinsed lentils. Cook 10 minutes and voila - hearty lentil soup is done. These lentils cook fast and get lighter by cooking. Enjoy.

If you make it - write a comment if you liked it. If you don't then you can take these organic vitamin pills - for men and for women.


Prisly me navstivit kamaradky, a krom "strykovani" a hackovani, jsme se bavily i o ruznych "dulezitych" vecech. V krbu nam horel ohynek, a nam se sedelo tak pohodlne a tak krasne se nam "tlachalo". Aby moje kamaradky nehladovely, tak jsem jim naservirovala cockovou polevku z ruzove cocky. I kdyz si samy privezly proviant - domacky pecenou babovku. Recept na polevku jsem si vymyslela v hlave, kdyz jsem nakupovala cocku v obchode.

Tato cocka ma hodne vitaminu, jako Copper, Folate, Iron, Phosphorus, Vitamin B6, Zinc, Thiamin, Magnesium, Niacin, Riboflavin and Calcium. Clovek ani nemusi brat vitaminove pilulky jestli se stravuje takto zdrave. Ale abych vas nenudila, pojdme varit.

Pro 6-8 osob budete potrebovat:

4 polevkove lzice olivoveho oleje
1 mala cibule - nakrajena
1 rozdrceny strouzek cesneku

1 "balicek" green chard (ja koupila organicky) - v balicku byly 4 velke listy ktere jsem nakrajela na kousky
8 oz. vody (2 litry)

4 kostky Rapunzel Vegan Vegetable Bouillon (Miluji tento druh a jiny uz nekoupuji)
1 stredni karotka- nakrajena na kolecka

1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning (v jakemkoliv obchode)
1/2 tsp salt (bouillon je vyroben s morskou soli, a nekteri lide maji pocit, ze to neni dostatecne slane)
cerny pepr podle potreby
2 hrnky ruzove (=oranzove) cocky (koupila jsem ji v Whole Foods)

Na olivovem oleji zaprazime cibulku a cesnek. Pridame green chard a chvilinku podusime (asi 2 minuty). Pridame vodu, bouillon, karotku, italske koreni,  sul a pepr. Jakmile se voda zacne varit, pridame cocku a varime jeste 10 minut. tato cocka se nemusi dlouho varit - pozor neprevarit. A navic zmeni barvu - zesvetla. Dobrou chut.

Pokud vyzkousite, rada si prectu jak vam chutnalo. A jestli se vam nechce varit, tak si muzete koupit organicke vitaminy - pro muze nebo pro zeny.

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