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MEMORY GAMES 1 - Hry Na Procvicovani Pameti Poprve

Below, you can see few games that may be for some people challenging, yet fun to play. For example, a geography game, which I e-mailed to my friends on many occasions. It is great to practice where the countries are and notice their changing names and borders. Besides the geography, there are science, math, animal, history, brain etc. games. I love this website:
Nize je par her, ktere mohou byt pro nektere navstevniky narocne, ale zato si uziji legraci. Npriklad ja miluji nize uvedenou zemepisnou hru, kterou jsem mnohokrat poslala svym kamaradum. Kdokoliv si muze procvicit kde se nachazi ruzne staty, a dokonce si lide mohou vsimnout jak se meni nazvy techto zemi a jejich hranice. Na techto strankach nejsou jenom zemepisne hry, ale take hry z jinych "oboru" jako jsou vedy, matematika, zviratka, historie, apod. Podle meho mysleni to je skvela webova stranka:

This Hello Kitty theme game is not only for children: / Tato hra je nejen pro deti:

This is easy game for small children to be played Christmas time: / Hra pro deti o Vanocich:

Are you smart of stoopid? You must think fast in this game, otherwise you will end up being stoopid: / Jsi chytrej enbo blbeeeej? Musis premyslet rychle, jinak ti to na konci hry rekne, ze jsi blbeeej:

1 comment:

  1. Pohištvo Vesel sem, da ste se odločili, da delijo ta post! To je zelo zanimiva knjiga. Hvala za delitev.


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