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SNOWMAN - Snehulak

This Snowman was made by my daughter in her preschool. It is easy to make for small children with just a little caregiver's  help. I love our Snowman so much that I have been displaying it in winter time for few years now.

What do you need to make it:

1 white sport tube sock
1 toilet paper
Kleenex, or paper towels or even an old filling from a pillow
1 black pipe cleaner
1 orange pipe cleaner
2 Wiggle Eyes
Elmer's Glue
1 scarf (felt, or even you can knit one)


Your child takes the sport sock and turns is inside out. The caregiver helps to attach the arms (the black pipe cleaner) and the nose (the orange pipe cleaner). The child then puts the toilet paper inside the sock and ties the scarf just above the toilet paper. Then the child will stuff the sock with Kleenex, paper towel or filling from the old pillow. The child then rolls down the elastic part - that will be his "pot" on the Snowman's head. Glue on the eyes and voila, you have a very fine Snowman.


Tohoto snehulaka vyrobila moje dcera ve skolce. Moc se mi libil a schovavam jej jiz nekolik let, a kazdym rokem pan Snehulak truni hrde pod stromeckem.

1 panska sportovni ponozka
1 toaletni papir
papirove kapesnicky nebo vata (ze stareho polstare)
1 cerny cistic dymek (pipe cleaner)
1 oranzovy cistic dymek
2 ocicka (daji se koupit v art/craft stores, nebo on-line)
Elmer's lepidlo
1 sala (prouzek hnedeho feltu, nebo i upletena sala – zvolte podle sve predstavivosti)


Vase dite vezme ponozku a prevrati ji naruby (frote stranou navrch). Upevni se paze priblizne na ponozku. Do ponozky (tj. az do spicky) nacpe toaletni papir. Salu zavaze hned nad toaletnim papirem. Pripevni oranzovy nos a vycpe zbytek ponozky bud nekolika kapesnicky nebo vatou – do tvaru hlavy. Elastickou cast ponozky sroluje do tvaru “hrnce”. Prilepi ocicka.

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