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MEMORY GAMES 2 - Hry Na Procviceni Pameti

Besides reading somewhere about the importance of exercising our memory for health reasons, it also a well known and common fact. However, besides "brain reasons", I love playing memory games just because it is pure fun. And I always welcome any e-mail from my friends with a new fun on-line game. Not the ones that are mindless, but the ones that you can learn something from or that you actually practice your memory. And as you all know there are many games that several people can play.

My favorite game to play with my family or friends is THIS FUN GAME. It is great especially for children, ESL (English As a Second Language) people, or anyone that wants to broaden their vocabulary. And what is beautiful about this game is that if you need to go to the kitchen and bring refreshments for the whole crew and you do not care playing for points that much, you can jump in or leave the game at any time.


Vsichni vime, jak dulezite je cvicit pamet. Ja sama osobne nejen z tohoto vsem znameho faktu hraju hry, ale take je hraju pro radost a poteseni. Od mych pratel vzdy privitam jakekoliv on-line hry e-mailem. Hlavne to musi byt ty hry, ktere mi neco daji. Ale neexistujou jenom internetove hry.

Moje nejoblibenejsi hra, kterou rada hraji s rodinou ci prateli je TATO. Je skvela hlavne pro deti, pro lidi kteri si chteji zlepsit anglictinu, a pro kazdeho kdo si chce rozsirit slovni zasobu. U teto hry kazdy zazije hodne legrace. A co je dobre, ze pokud je potreba odskocit do kuchyne a prinest osvezeni pro hrace, nevadi - lze odejit ze hry a zase do ni vklouznout bez problemu. Pokud nekomu nevadi, ze bude mit o par bodiku mene.

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