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RUDOLF II PLAY IN NYC - Rudolf II Divadelni Hra v NYC

Well it will be difficult for people visiting the National Bohemian Hall to chose from one of the events on March 19, 2010. Along with the classical music in Dvorak's Room posted HERE, there will be also a play about Rudolf II. Thi info can be found at THIS web site. It sure looks like a lot of fun.

However, I also found this calendar which indicates when the play Rudolf II is on. So, just in case you want to attend the play, call the theater company for more info.

Bude velmi obtizne udelat rozhodnuti, co shlednout 19. brezna 2010. V Ceske Narodni Budove mohou divaci shlednout nejen klasicky koncert vazne hudby - ZDE je informace, ale take divadelni hru o Rudlofovi II. Informace o teto udalsoti lze precist ZDE. A vypada to jako opravdu zabavny vecer.

Ale nasla jsem jeste tento kalendar, ktery informuje divaky kdy hra Rudolf II bude hrat v divadlech. Doporucuji zatelefonovat divadlu a informovat se kde a kdy hra bude k shlednuti.

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