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GREAT CZECH-SLOVAK-AMERICAN INFO SITE - Skvele Cesko-Slovensko-Americke Informacni Stranky

Great way for Americans (incl. Czechs and Slovaks) to read about Czech and Slovak happenings in America, and as well in Slovakia and Czech republic. The website KRAJANE is very smartly designed - if you happen to open the web page that is in Czech or Slovak language and you do not speak the language, no problem! Hover over the text, click and voila - you have the text in English. Or you can click on the little American flag and you have the whole website in English. If you are Czech and Slovak and you end up on the page that is written in English, but would prefer reading it in your native language - no problem! You too have two choices - click on the Czech flag, or just hover with your mouse over the text, click and you can read and scroll the article without any fuss. It is great site with lot of info. I love it!

Skvela webova stranka pro Cecho-Slovako-Americany s jazykove interaktivnimi strankami. Navstivte webovou stranku KRAJANE a nebudete litovat. Urcite se stane jednou z vasich oblibenych.

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