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This soup is very easy to make, it is very smooth and tastes great!

20 oz. butternut squash, cubed
4 oz. baby carrots
1/8 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
3 pc. Rapunzel vegan vegetable bouillon
1/2 cup of heavy cream
3 tablespoons of cream cheese
3 tablespoons of sour cream

Put butternut squash and carrots into a pot big enough that it is only fits 1/2 way. Add enough water just to cover the butternut squash and carrots. When water starts boiling, add bouillon and lower the heat. Cover and cook about 20 minutes. When cooked, smooth in blender in several batches. When smooth, put the mixture back to pot, and put to boil again. Add spices, heavy cream, and cream cheese. Keep stirring until cream cheese melts and soup starts boiling again. Add sour cream and keep stirring so the soup doesn't curdle. Cook for 3 more minutes. Serve.

Below: Rapunzel vegan vegetable bouillon

Below: butternut squash 


600 g dyne nakrajena na kosticky
100 g karotka
1/8 kavove lzicky koreni (mix noveho koreni, skorice, hrebicku a muskatoveho orisku)
3 kosticky bouillonu
1/2 hrnicku smetany
3 lzice smetanoveho syru
3 lzice kysele smetany

Tato polevka je jednoducha na vareni, je velmi jemna a je take velmi chutna.

Dyni a karotku dajte do vetsiho hrnce a nalejte tolik vody, aby vse bylo ponoreno ve vode. Kdyz se voda zacne varit, pridejte bouillon a snizte plaminek na nejnizsi. Varte pod prikrytou poklickou asi 20 minut. Kdyz jsou dyne a karotka uvarene, rozmixujte velmi dobre po castech v mixeru. Dejte zpet do hrnce. A uvedte do varu na mirnem ohni. Pridejte koreni, dobre promichejte. Pak pridejte smetanu a smetanovy syr a opet dobre promichejte aby se smetanovy syr rozpustil. Jakmile se polevka zacne znovu varit, pridejte kyselou smetanu a za neustaleho michani povarte jeste 3 minuty. Kdyz je polevka hotova, muzete servirovat.

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