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HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 etc.

As I grew up in the communist Czechoslovakia every year we celebrated New Year with popping a cork of a Russian Sovietskoe Igristoe. Everyone called it a champagne, although it was a sparkling wine (only french sparkling wine should be called "champagne"). In the area where I grew up no other champagne was available. It did not hold us back to celebrate New Year with friends and family in a happiest ways. People would drink, eat, play guitars and sing songs, many would watch only one program called "Silvestrovska Estrada" that was created just for greeting the new year - it was pre taped several months prior to airing with Vladimir Dvorak, whom was this show's host for many years. And then EXACTLY with a strike of midnight we would pop the cork of the above mentioned overly sweet sparkling wine. Celebrations would continue most of the time until morning and many citizens would finally go to bed at 8 am.


If you would like to learn about OTHER Czech traditions click here for a page on "The American Friends of the Czech Republic" (AFoCR) website.

Here is one more link to a website that talks about Christmas holidays in Slovakia (which applies to Czechs as well)

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